Monday 13th of January 2025


avatars, shingeki no kyojin. superman, jesus christ, the three little pigs — comics and unreality with no value but distraction.

Centuries ago, mankind was slaughtered to near extinction by monstrous humanoid creatures called Titans, forcing humans to hide in fear behind enormous concentric walls. What makes these giants truly terrifying is that their taste for human flesh is not born out of hunger but what appears to be out of pleasure. To ensure their survival, the remnants of humanity began living within defensive barriers, resulting in one hundred years without a single titan encounter. However, that fragile calm is soon shattered when a colossal Titan manages to breach the supposedly impregnable outer wall, reigniting the fight for survival against the man-eating abominations.

the wrong man......

Titusville, Florida: A man has filed a defamation lawsuit against a Florida sheriff who posts weekly “Wheel of Fugitive” videos on social media, saying that he wasn’t a fugitive when his name and image appeared several times in 2021 in the officer’s posts inspired by the long-running TV game show “Wheel of Fortune”.

Because of the sheriff’s posts, David Gay lost a job and suffered emotional distress, according to the lawsuit seeking more than $US50,000 in damages. The lawsuit was filed last week in state court in Brevard County, along Florida’s Space Coast.

Gay’s prospective boss called him as he was driving to his first day of work and told him not to bother showing up as he had seen Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey’s “Wheel of Fugitive” videos, the lawsuit said.

'tis stupid to suffer the slings and arrows of our outrageous lies when we shuffle off this mortal coil...

The Western public, like others, are justly appalled by the human suffering and the horrors of the Ukrainian war. Empathy is one of the great virtues of humanity, which in this instance translates into the demand for helping Ukrainians. Yet, propaganda commonly weaponizes the best in human nature, such as compassion, to bring out the worst. As sympathy and the desire to assist the displaced are used to mobilize public support for confrontation and war with Russia, it is necessary to ask if the Western public and Ukrainians are being manipulated to support a proxy war.


By Glenn Diesen


Is NATO helping Ukraine to fight Russia or is NATO using Ukraine to fight Russia?

history always comes too late.....

— There goes Kangaroo Kate and Liz O’Connor foxing that Transvaal bloke about. What has she slung you, Pippo?

— Wars, she called me a chump, and told me to go and fight for me Queen and country. I says, ‘aven’t I been doin’ that for the larst seven years — stouching them Chows?.

                                                                AMBROSE TYSON — THE BULLETIN, 1900


100 years of fake news, with a few hard truths in between....

The other day I stumbled across a 2014 opinion piece in The Guardian, “It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war,” by Seumas Milne, who the following year would go on to become the Labour Party’s executive director of strategy and communications under Jeremy Corbyn.

I bring this up because the perspectives you’ll find in that article are jarring in how severely they deviate from anything you’ll see published in the mainstream press about Ukraine in 2023. 


endless american wars.........


50 years after leaving Vietnam, the US keeps getting involved in wars without understanding them
In 1973, the Paris Peace Accords saw American troops abandon their partners. It wouldn’t be the last time

By Matthieu Buge, who worked on Russia for the magazine l’Histoire, the Russian film magazine Séance, and as a columnist for Le Courrier de Russie. He is the author of the book Le Cauchemar russe ('The Russian Nightmare').


In January 1973, the US signed an agreement that saw it pull out of Vietnam, abandoning its South Vietnamese partners. In August 2021, history repeated itself in Afghanistan.

better than joe biden the warmongering senile idiot.....

A re-energised peace movement is urgently required. To date, at least $100 billion dollars in armaments has been committed by the US and its NATO allies to press for the continuation of the war in Ukraine. 

A war initiated through an illegal Russian invasion in February 2022, but a war whose fires are being stoked, because now it’s perceived to be in the US’s and NATO’s, long-term, strategic interests.




sponsoring wars for mineral digs....

The US and its allies set the stage for the Ukraine crisis by sponsoring the Maidan coup in 2014, which sparked a conflict in Donbass and escalated into a full-blown confrontation involving Moscow last February. One heavily underreported facet of the West’s Ukraine policy revolves around Kiev’s immense mineral wealth.

Ukraine could provide the United States and its allies with the titanium they need to build the fighter jets, warships, tanks, missiles, and other weapons required to confront Russia and China, sources on Capitol Hill with ties to the military-industrial complex have told US media.

a last meal before becoming a moth?....

The caterpillar that made this cocoon seem to have decided to have a last meal before its final transform. The two views 24 hours apart in this picture by Gus Leoniksy shows that the cocoon had been moved overnight by the said caterpillar as a portion of the leaf above was eaten away...

Awaiting the result, possibly a Saunders Case Moth Metura elongatus....



sunak to play first fiddle in the basket case.......

The average global temperature for 2023 is forecast to be between 1.08 °C and 1.32°C (with a central estimate of 1.20 °C) above the average for the pre-industrial period (1850-1900): the tenth year in succession that temperatures have reached at least 1°C above pre-industrial levels.

gone batty.....

US drugmaker Pfizer admitted on Friday that it “engineered” treatment-resistant variants of Covid-19 in order to test its antiviral medicine. The admission partially backs up earlier claims by an executive with the company who told an undercover reporter that Pfizer was deliberately “mutating” the virus to “preemptively develop new vaccines.”

In a statement posted on its website, Pfizer said that it “has not conducted gain of function or directed evolution research,” referring to the practice of amplifying a virus’ ability to infect humans and the process of selecting ‘desirable’ traits of a virus to reproduce, respectively.

reducing methane emissions from cattle.....

Bill Gates has led a new $12m investment in an Australian company that is aiming to feed seaweed to cows in order to reduce the planet-heating emissions that come from their burps.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures, which the Microsoft co-founder created in 2015, has spearheaded the funding of the Perth-based startup, which is called Rumin8. Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder, and Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma are also backers of the Breakthrough fund.

Rumin8 is developing a range of supplements to feed to cows in order to reduce the amount of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, they belch out. The feed includes red seaweed and rangeland plants that replicate “nature’s anti-methanogenic compound” and cut methane output.

a reversal of propaganda towards reason?

The RAND Corporation, a highly influential elite national security think tank funded directly by the Pentagon, has published a landmark report stating that prolonging the proxy war is actively harming the US and its allies and warning Washington that it should avoid “a protracted conflict” in Ukraine.


By Felix Livshitz


What are the US' interests in Ukraine

The report has an unequivocal title, “Avoiding a long war: US policy and the trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine conflict,” which provides a strong indication as to its contents. 

talking tanks with tommy the tanking engine.....

... “Bradley is not a (expletive) tank,” James Cunny wrote on Twitter. “I take personal offense, most of my career I was a dismount, but also did crew, it is NOT a (expletive) tank.” 

Others took shots at news reports, particularly those produced by journalists who don’t regularly cover the military.

“If media folks would hire just a handful of the thousands of combat veterans out there from 20 years of war you won’t have this problem,” J.R. Salzman tweeted.

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