Sunday 22nd of December 2024



Hamish Alcorn suggested I gave permission to have the above ode published. His E-mail 13-09-04 refers. Regards Niels

A poem, or words to a song about the Howard Years (Grahame Wilson)

My Thoughts on the Howard Years by Grahame Wilson
(Possibly of use during this federal election. I

God Save the Queen (Saxon Selvey)

Don't forget that Honest John also robbed us of our most recent opportunity to become a Republic.

The Libs put together a shabby model for a Republic that nobody would want, then promoted the whole affair by saying - Not this Republic. Then they let us all vote against it as confirmation that we didn't actually want one! Unbelievable!! Playing us like suckers!

Yet reading The Book, One realises this is business as usual for Him.

Saying Sorry, Tampa, The Kyoto Agreement, Children Behind Razorwire, Iraq.... What will it take? These are not small issues, they change the way the World sees us, and they change they way we percieve ourselves, as a Nation. Please wake up this time around Australia!

AEC's response to complaint about Liberal flyer (Danielle Morgan)

I'm disappointed to report that the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) fobbed off my concerns about a misleading Liberal flyer with some legalese worthy of

Der Meister (David Elson)

It is not often that I bother to read a book written by a journalist who has been noted for writing with a certain kind of political bias and frequent one-sidedness (what journalist does not?). So while I found this book to be really quite interesting, I can say that it was overly predictable and nor was the slant and evidence provided totally convincing.

Not Happy Johnning Wentworth ()

Wentworth is on a knife edge. A large part of the blue ribbon electorate is grumpy with Malcolm Turnbull over his aggressive pre-selection tactics, and those who aren't too fussed about pre-selection tactics are concerned that a vote for Turnbull is a vote for Howard. With Peter King's decision to run as an independent, there is a real and growing chance that a seat held for 103 years by the Liberals will fall.

The four contenders for the seat are to meet on Monday night at an event organised by the Wilderness Society to discuss their respective position towards the continued felling of Tasmania's old Growth forests. It will be a good opportunity to meet the candidates and ask them some real questions about how they perceive the strength of our democracy...or not

What: Public meeting to meet the candidates for Wentworth and ask what they are doing to protect Tasmania's forests.
When: Monday 20th September 2004, 7pm FREE ENTRY
Where: Waverley Council Chamber

The War was Illegal and John Howard and his Government are War Criminals ()

I love statements like that. Statements that are simply too outrageous to say in a public place without being considered a crank, yet utterly correct at the same time.

NHJ!er Dorothy forwarded me this letter, signed Geriatric Gran. Follow the link she recommends. It cites the conclusion of international legal authorities that the Iraq war was illegal and the perpetrators prosecutable, with links to source documents.

I didn't believe we should be involved in the war in Iraq, but felt powerless to prevent it happening. I walked, a short distance, to protest against the war in the belief that the government would heed the message that the majority of the people in Australia did not believe it was a 'Just War.'

We still joined 'The Coalition of the Willing,' and went to war.

Kofi Annan, on Wednesday, claimed the war breached the UN charter and the war was illegal. 'The Coalition of the Willing,' disagreed with his long held opinion and claimed the war was legal. We th

The least conservative prime minister (Di Pearton)

Just into your book and it's confirming everything I've been so depressed about over the last few years. Howard is the least conservative prime minister. He is dismantling every sensible convention and destroying public confidence in our public service by politicising. Every now and then he mentions Senate reform and this really concerns me. Yet my in-laws say he presents well! I have just joined The Greens but I think things are more desperate - I don't think that we can wait for The Greens to win enough support.

Scary!. (Jose Sieira)

I am about to finish reading your book. I think it is very good. What really scares me is that a very substantial percentage of voters never realise what it's happening out there and if one tries to tell them they are not interested. With this situation happening in many countries around the world the prospects of changing things around are not great. Scary!.

More pride required (Patricia Cameron)

Am just reading your book NHJ, and am transfixed. Absolutely cringe at the chapter on how our parliament was occupied by a foreign power for visit of GWB. Previous book I read was the Paul Burrell one which mentions visit of GWB to Buck Palace - they tried same act and Queen told them that if her security was good enough for her it was good enough for him. Why couldn't we have more pride? New Zealand would have!

Fed-up filmmakers say Time To Go John (Keren Flavell)

For the first time ever, filmmakers from around Australia have joined forces to create a film canvassing key aspects of Australian life under the Howard Liberal government. The film will premiere on September 29th and screening nationally from 1-3 October, the weekend before the election. TIME TO GO JOHN is a compilation of fifteen short films documenting pivotal moments throughout Australia's recent local and international history, from the Iraq war to detention centres, the GST, anti-terrorism laws and reconciliation. Made by some of Australia's best filmmakers and presented by comedian Rod Quantock, the film promises to pack all the punches and encourage voters to think carefully about their choice at polling time.

Campaign colours (John Gardner)

I've noticed that the 'Liberal' Candidate for Ryan, Michael Johnson, has adopted Yellow as his campaign colours with his workers wearing yellow T-shirts and his posters using yellow as the surrounding colour. I thought that Yellow was the Democrats colour of choice. Why isn't Michael Johnston prepared to run under the usual 'Liberal' colours of Blue and White?

wonderful book (shirley reid)

This is more a comment than a review. I read your book and got madder and madder with the conservative government, in fact with most of our pollies. It's a great book. I gnashed my teeth a fair bit.I also wept at times.Your suggestions have been noted, and I put the bumper sticker straight on the car. Thanks for the effort and the controlled rage.

Direct action initiative to stop the lies (Dr Russell Darroch)

Every one visiting NJH should also see and sign up the for rallies on 3 October 2004. Stand up; be counted. With new lies every day (today about caretaker government obligations) it is time to STOP THE LIES.

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