Tuesday 24th of December 2024

John Richardson's blog

plea bargaining .....

educating malcolm .....


So, federal water burglar & recovering lawyer, malcolm moneybags, has questioned why David Hicks did not try to negotiate a plea bargain earlier?

wars of convenience .....

wars of convenience .....


‘Methinks we don’t – think, I mean, about anything outside our immediate visual horizon. Thinking is a poor way of understanding the world, which is too complex to be thought about effectively. That leaves hormones and unfortunate limbic wiring.

losers .....

losers .....

The US is like an incoherent drunk ….

I think Iraq will prove to be the source of its destruction. It has lost its capacity to reason; its capacity for insight. It’s ruled by fakes & phoneys on all sides of politics, with the corporate-controlled media acting as willing accomplices.

gonzo .....

gonzo .....


‘Three Republican senators expressed skepticism Sunday about Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's credibility, setting up what one of them called a "make or break" moment for him when he testifies before Congress about his role in firing eight U.S. Attorneys.

the accused .....

the accused .....

a clown called alex .....

a clown called alex .....


Lord Mayo of Adelaide (aka Downer the “Clowner” or “Fishnets” to his friends) has been a member of the federal Parliament for 23 years & is Australia’s longest serving Foreign Minister, having held that portfolio in the rattus government for the past 11 years.

bonesmen .....

recovering lawyers .....

This time last year, in my blog the missing “bonesman” (see http://www.yourdemocracy.net.au/drupal/node/2839), I introduced bushit’s Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to Australia, Robert D. McCallum.

thanks george .....


thanks george .....
‘Yep, you did it, George - mission impossible accomplished.

Unbelievably, four years of a bungled occupation have managed to make Saddam Hussein's tyranny look good in comparison with "liberated Iraq."

wackaloon .....

wackaloon .....

star wars .....

star wars .....


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