Friday 10th of January 2025

John Richardson's blog

trafigura .....

trafigura .....

The British oil trader Trafigura has offered to pay out in a historic damages claim from 31,000 Africans injured by the dumping of toxic waste in one of the worst pollution disasters in recent history, the Guardian can reveal.

The compensation deal for the victims of toxic oil waste dumping in west Africa - likely to be confirmed imminently - means the full extent of attempts to cover up what really happened can be spelled out for the first time.

stranger than fiction .....

stranger than fiction .....

Truth is war's first casualty. The Afghan War's biggest untruth is, "we've got to fight terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them at home." Politicians and generals keep using this canard to justify a war they can't otherwise explain or justify.

Many North Americans still buy this lie because they believe the 9/11 attacks came directly from the Afghanistan-based al-Qaida and Taliban movements.

Not true. The 9/11 attacks were planned in Germany and Spain, and conducted mainly by US-based Saudis to punish America for supporting Israel's repression of the Palestinians.

the old restless leg syndrome .....

the old restless leg syndrome .....

Ronit Ridberg has given the world a marvellous look into the fraudulent, Big Government-Big Pharma complex with his documentary film, Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs. It's a bit dated, from 2006, but certainly, that is no hindrance to the message of the film. It's an hour long, but worth every minute of your time.

would you believe ......

would you believe .....

Suggestions that John Howard, George Bush, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Benjamin Netanyahu, The Milky Bar Kid, Malcolm Turnbull, Godwin Grech or the fairy at the bottom of the garden might have been "shortlisted" for the Nobel Peace Prize might be taken seriously in some quarters, however .....

Below is a brief description of the process involved in selecting the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates.

keeping up appearances .....

keeping up appearances .....

It took 25 years longer than George Orwell thought for the slogans of 1984 to become reality.

"War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," "Ignorance is Strength."

I would add, "Lie is Truth."

The Nobel Committee has awarded the 2009 Peace Prize to President Obama, the person who started a new war in Pakistan, upped the war in Afghanistan, and continues to threaten Iran with attack unless Iran does what the US government demands and relinquishes its rights as a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty.

paying for zionism .....

paying in blood .....

As Israel's democratic posture becomes more questioned, its mystique becomes more exaggerated. In order to convince others of the validity of Israel's actions, supporters focus on three components of Israel's drive to an accomplished nation:

old cow .....

old cow .....

Fears that as much as 30 per cent of the beef sold in Australia is old cow meat repackaged as prime produce has prompted the NSW Government to introduce rules to protect consumers.

Shoppers have little way of telling the true quality of the meat they are buying because there is no grading system for locally sold beef, nor any onus on retailers to inform their customers of the quality of a cut.

Locally sold meat is graded under Meat and Livestock Australia's voluntary MSA scheme, but only about 12,500 of the nation's 160,000 cattle properties are MSA-accredited.

tegenlicht …..

tegenlicht …..

Tegenlicht, a documentary program by the Dutch public broadcast organization VPRO, allows several interesting opinion makers to speak on the future of the American and Israel relationship and the reception of John Mearsheimers and Steve Walts article "The Israel Lobby and US foreign policy."

noxious management drivel .....

noxious management drivel .....

What you would normally do with warning people about a fire is say: "get out" It's a really basic human response, "get out, there's a terrible fire coming, run for your lives, words to that effect.

a war of absurdity ....

a war of absurdity .....

in the public interest .....

in the public interest .....

For a standout example of what is wrong with freedom of information in NSW you cannot go past the Ombudsman's new report into the Office of the Board of Studies.

Over 120 pages the deputy Ombudsman, Chris Wheeler, has shredded the office over its handling of freedom-of-information applications made by former students seeking details of the standardised marking system that determines the marks 67,000 students are awarded each year in the higher school certificate exams.

"aussie tony" & the value of image .....

"aussie tony" & the value of transparency .....

Tony Blair is set to become EU President within weeks if Ireland votes 'Yes' in its referendum on the Lisbon Treaty tomorrow.

The former prime minister's candidacy for the new post will be rushed through as quickly as possible, according to government sources.

Mr Blair is among the favourites to become the first President of the European Union, a role that is chosen by the EU's 27 leaders and not by voters.

Such an appointment would restore him to the world stage as well as boost his long-term income.

morbid capitalism .....

morbid capitalism .....

Halloween is still a month away, but ghouls, ghosts and other grotesque creatures are already roaming America's streets, possibly preparing to knock at your door. What makes them so scream-out-loud horrifying is that they are the newly issued spawn of - shriek! - Wall Street.

The very same greed-fueled bankers who brought us the disaster of 2008's financial crash have created another exotic financial horror to replace their securitized subprime-mortgage packages that exploded all over us.

yes we can .....

yes we can .....

What are you waiting for Mr President if you cannot put at least a temporary hold on the $3 billion plus-a-year "aid" your country gives to Israel? If you cannot stop arms sales to Israel when US law expressly states they must be used for defensive purposes only, and when there is precedent for doing so?

If you cannot countenance the UN Security Council reaching its own conclusions free of US veto on the charges of war crimes in the Goldstone report? If you cannot distance the US administration from Israel's aggression and defiance even though it hurts America's interests?

under new management .....

under new management .....

In 2001, the Observer in London published a series of reports that claimed an "Iraqi connection" to al-Qaeda, even describing the base in Iraq where the training of terrorists took place and a facility where anthrax was being manufactured as a weapon of mass destruction. It was all false. Supplied by US intelligence and Iraqi exiles, planted stories in the British and US media helped George Bush and Tony Blair to launch an illegal invasion which caused, according to the most recent study, 1.3 million deaths.

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