Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

Sure bet

Sure betl

Echo in the land

Echo in the land

Confidence trick

Confidence trick

Flag waiving

Flag waiving

Just in case

Just in case Mr Carlton from the radio waves and the SMH reads bits of this site, I would advise him that his satire column on Saturday 20th of August, about the government selling everything, including the defense department was very clever... except for one bit.

The government has already sold the defense department...
Not only it has been sold with promises of new troops at every turn to finish the job which obviously will never ever be finished according to Johnnee's own vernacular but was given away for peanuts and a kiss on someone's rear end in the US presidential potty.

Yes, the Ageis system being installed on Australian frigates being built by US Halliburton armament division in Adelaide is exactly that... A sold out defense department... With the Ageis system, The US controls the launching sequences for the missiles on Aussie ships. Thus , our missiles can go where the US wants them to go, and strong indications are we may not even know where they're going...

As usual, Malcom had a bet each way

As usual, Malcom had a bet each way

Porkie inc

Porkie inc

This is the text that had gone by "accident"... Who knows...

Hard Yakka in Iraq


At the moment, the US has around 10000 prisoners in their security compounds including the ill-famed Abu Ghraib jail. Statistically with each of these prisoners one can attach conservatively a direct family of about five adults and five children. Extended families can reach up to 20 adults on average.

This means that the Americans are actually directly affecting the lives of a minimum 50,000, and indirectly the lives of 200,000 adults, without firing a shot.

It is also to be counted that the Americans on average kill 20 “insurgents

Draconian NEW regulations

Draconian NEW regulations

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