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Gus Leonisky's blogthe bottom line is a fair shake of the sauce bottle...
EU tightens 'stranglehold' on Assad regime...
preaching to the converted...
The religion and politics of division
back in 2010...
The decision to depose Rudd without destroying him showed decent restraint in the bloody context of those days.
therese to the breach...
Kevin Rudd's wife Therese Rein joined the Labor leadership war today, urging "ordinary people" to back her husband in the campaign against Julia Gillard. Mr Rudd consistently outpolls Ms Gillard as preferred Labor leader but has been savagely criticised by Labor ministers who worked closely with him as prime minister for having a chaotic and dysfunctional leadership style.
jewish crackers...As if noting a change of seasons, many Israelis are talking about a possible war come summer, or later this year, with an air of inevitability born of years of festering conflict that has periodically flared up into full-blown hostilities. The prospect of devastating counter-strikes and possible mass casualties seems to be taken in stride, seen as a lesser evil than facing a nuclear-armed Iran.
not on cloud nine...
picture by Gus Leonisky (2011)
barry the sewer rat...Quickly both sides of politics were trying to show off the size of their hearts.
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