Sunday 22nd of December 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

RIP roland moreno...

smart card

A French 1983 smart telephone card — picture by Gus Leonisky

the pirate — in a misadventure with global warming...


In the movie "The Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists", the main pirate is a kind-hearted fool... He sinks the Beagle in a competition with some other pirates, but then sails Darwin back to England...

Lots of laughter and sharp jokes about science, apparently...

The bad joke here is that Tony Abbott is a sad annoying pirate — a fool who is still trying to sink the Beagle with no intention of saving Darwin from drowning... He can smell blood as Pirate Crook joins his team... He is taken aback a little by some of his bloodied crew — Pyne and Brough — who in their desire to sink the slipper, shot themselves in the foot... Idiots.


newman plays games...

newman plays games...

special parliamentary strength...


Mr Pyne confirms the meeting took place but says he can "not remember" ever having requested Mr Ashby's mobile number.

"I don't remember ever having asked for Mr Ashby's number," he said. "I have met Mr Ashby on three occasions, and I have never had any need to phone him."

The Liberal Party powerbroker continues to deny he had any prior knowledge of the claims Mr Ashby made in the Federal Court documents or that he had ever had a discussion with the staffer over his concerns about Mr Slipper.

cash for internment...



The Vatican is facing a deepening controversy over the burial 22 years ago of a notorious crime boss, with reports emerging that the church accepted a one billion lire (£407,000) payment from the mobster's widow to allow his interment in a basilica.

the clock is ticking...

Sadly, there is more information floating about the "hoax" of global warming than there is about real sciences... 

a modern time tragedy...

minchin climate

There is a lot of crap being pushed by climate change denialists, including Jo Nova — an intellectual pigmy trying to be as dicky as Alan Jones and as idiotic as Andrew Bolt. But she tries supporting Minchin's complete and utter mind-blowing cloddy mind by asking one of the scientists on the panel of Q&A (last Monday night) to apologise to Minchin for a so-called error: apparently this is what happened (I won't take you to her horrible website) :

ABC Biased. Scientist Matthew England, outrageous error or dishonest? Nick Minchin owed an apology

new rules...


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