Sunday 12th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

our little aussie echo chamber... while trump prophetises hell to pay for those who don't like the USA...

echo chamber

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has said "further pressure" will be brought on North Korea through United Nations sanctions, effectively brushing aside Trump administration remarks that the UN route has been exhausted.

Speaking from the UN General Assembly gathering in New York, Ms Bishop held fast to her long-standing view that sanctions can be effective and, combined with other forms of pressure, can still deter North Korea from its nuclear path. She said it could take "weeks or months" for the sanctions to make their full impact.

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vote for equality...


a hairy brazilian...


food groups

rome is on fire... bernardi plays the fiddle like nero... they laugh...


NERO NEVER FIDDLED while Rome burned.

It is a popular myth, but it’s simply not true — there were no fiddles back in Roman times.

Nero is, however, reported to have sung a song about the sacking of Troy while watching as 70 per cent of Rome was swallowed by flames in a single blistering gulp.

xenophon betrays voters again, for a pack of gnomes beyond the black stump on the other side of bourke...

mal and x promote rupe...

Australia's media industry looks set for a major shake-up, after the Federal Government finally struck a deal to pass a suite of changes.

unemployed calling... the robot needs pampering...

callingthe robot needs pampering...

the "socialists" dictators of the turdy-turnbull COALition hate the concept of renewables...

AGL plan for Liddell...

The coal munchers of the rabid CONservatives pseudo-Liberal are betraying their beliefs of "free-market" as they hate "renewable" energy sources taking over the supply of electricity in Australia from their mates, the Coal Merchants. AGL is thus under the gun... Here Mr Leonisky, of the engineering firm WindSun & Sons, gives the schematic plans for the upgrade of the Liddell Power station by 2022, free of charge.

it didn't happen, did it?

that sinking feeling...that sinking feeling...

"almost hundred per cent true"...

jihadi's privates...

A military and diplomatic source told Sputnik that the US Air Force had evacuated more than 20 Daesh field commanders from the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor. The US-led coalition denied the claims.

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