Friday 7th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

miranda pisses over the ledge...

In her opinionated editorial of 28/4/19, Miranda Devine hits the craps at full shit speed:


First Miranda is an ignorant twat. Second Miranda is a dangerous ignorant twat. Third Miranda Devine is a useless bitch. Sorry I should have used another word, but this one is the only one coming to mind.

jones saves his hubris from facts...


Commercial wireless bloviator Alan Jones doesn’t like the ALP’s policies on electric cars, cancer treatment, negative gearing, superannuation, energy or climate change. And that’s just the start.

stop the stopper who stopped the stop adani coal mine...


Environment Minister Melissa Price has granted federal approval to the controversial Adani coal mine following intense pressure from her Queensland colleagues to sign off on the plan before the federal election.

nothing new

money 1


termini ludos politicus...

termini ludos politicus


In Kanbra, that dismal town

Where politicians go to shit-pledge

don't be afraid... he's seriously smiling...


“Don’t be afraid, don’t be scared, it won’t hurt you. It’s coal.” With these words Australia’s Treasurer Scott Morrison taunted the Opposition, attempting to ridicule its commitment to renewable energy.

love on the rebound after the disastrous affair with pauline...

bad sex

The Liberal Party has struck a deal to exchange preferences with Clive Palmer.

cloudless skies over germania...


Picture of clouds behind North Sydney, Australia, on a day when we were promised rain and crap weather with low temperatures, from the BoM. This BoM (Bureau of Meteorology) prediction did not happen as the sun shone through a sky laden with very high humidity and a tad of EXTRA CO2 that could have made the temperature 5 degrees above what should have been. The humidity became mostly clear vapour increasing the heat, while some of it condensed in massive clouds, here and there. 


scummo needs palmer more than palmer needs him...


Scott Morrison was questioned extensively on Wednesday about how the Liberals and Nationals could seal a preference deal with Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party despite the treatment of workers at Queensland Nickel.

which one is the bunny?......


"The Special Counsel's report, even in redacted form, outlines substantial evidence that President Trump engaged in obstruction and other abuses," Mr Nadler said in a statement. 

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