Friday 7th of March 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

mal, goes for zero...

cane toadscane toads


















 Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull says the NSW government has capitulated to a "ferocious campaign" from the media after his appointment to a clean energy board was overturned.


Last week, NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean had backed Mr Turnbull to lead the Net Zero Emissions and Clean Economy board, adding he was a great friend.

On Tuesday morning, however, Mr Kean released a statement saying Mr Turnbull could "distract" from the board's goal of creating jobs in low carbon industries and reducing state emissions while growing the economy.

proportionating with no clue...






















 Biden Says US Could Have Gone Further on Anti-Russia Sanctions, Chose to Be Proportionate


Earlier, the Biden administration imposed multiple sanctions on a variety of Russian entities and individuals over their alleged interference in the 2020 presidential election, as well as their purported involvement in the SolarWinds hack that infiltrated government networks.

royal stench...

















In this cartoon, February 1998, Bill Leak exposed the way "Heeez Back!" (as written by Doug Anderson), or the way John Howard snookered a hapless (still hapless apparently...) Malcolm Turnbull in the game of Royals versus the Republic on the political chessboard. It should have been a given that this fair and sunny (too sunny and unfair sometimes) country became a republic on 1/1/2001. Actually, as I have expressed many times before, it is my belief (I have no clue) that Turnbull snookered himself with the rest of the "republicans elites" by insisting on "his" model of a presidential appointment by government decree.

ponzi and ponzi...



















enemy of the state...



vicious and nasty...


ADF twerks into a shitstorm...

















Assistant Defence Minister Andrew Hastie has told military personnel their "core business" will always be the "application of lethal violence" and warned "mission clarity" is vital to their work.

facebook to the rescue...















Scott Morrison has shrugged off critics of his government’s slow vaccine rollout and insisted plans are on track, again turning to Facebook to reveal critical information about the nation’s much-maligned inoculation program.

The Prime Minister has come under fire for giving vaccine updates via social media instead of in-person press conferences, but Health Minister Greg Hunt defended the decision by saying the government wanted to give out information about scrapping vaccination targets “in real time”.

Twice in two days, Mr Morrison has used his Facebook page – which only has 626,000 followers – to announce vital updates to the COVID vaccination program.

gilding the beliefs...





















For the past 25 centuries, religions have been gilding their beliefs to mesmerise the crowds. It is thus quite weird to note that a clever writer like Paul Kingsnorth has turned to Christianity to "seemingly escape the future as planned by the CIA".


It’s like giving up on an evolving conspiracy theory to join an older one that has been a lie since day one, while using titbits of historical events. 


about homo sapiens...

homo sapienshomo sapiens


















Having reached more than 36,600 reads, this line of articles on this site has become overloaded and needs a complementary line, as new scientific/philosophical information comes to light: 




















predicting the future...





















Predicting the future has been a pass-time for offals of birds readers, Christians, Nostradamuses, “intelligence agencies” and super-computers. Every time a new prediction is made with more “precision”, someone goes on the barricade and shouts that the sea level rise predicted for 2100 won’t be as bad, because new calculations show the previous estimate to be 25 per cent over the new recalibrated predictions. Hurrah!, claims an article in RT, “F*ck Climate Crisis” is the picture used to demonstrate how wrong “we’ve been so far”…
















There’s something smug about the reaction of the federal government and its health advisers who believe the disaster they are presiding over could be worse and there’s nowhere else on earth you would rather be.


It’s a message the Prime Minister repeated at three news conferences this week – despite the unraveling of a vaccine rollout they all had a year to plan for.

Sure Australia is nowhere near the plight of Brazil, India, Papua New Guinea – or for that matter France and Italy – all facing repeat waves of a pandemic claiming thousands of lives and pushing their health systems to the verge of collapse.





















The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and an assortment of high-profile figures and policymakers are pushing for unregulated gene-editing technologies, the rollout of bio-synthetic food created in laboratories, the expanded use of patented seeds and the rollback of subsidies and support for farmers in places like India.

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