Monday 20th of January 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

the rules of empire……...

The US Constitution with the Bill of Rights dates from 1789. All of the safeguards against central government growth and ability to indebt the country have been eroded. Today the Federal national debt is $30 trillion, about two times the gross domestic product of the 28 countries that comprise the European Union, whose combined populations of 447,007,596 is approximately 120,000,000 larger than the US population.

aren't you lucky?…...

Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. President, Vice President Quayle, Senator Mitchell, Speaker Wright, Senator Dole, Congressman Michel, and fellow citizens, neighbors, and friends: 

There is a man here who has earned a lasting place in our hearts and in our history. President Reagan, on behalf of our Nation, I thank you for the wonderful things that you have done for America. 


In the US, the future of the Biden administration and the President himself are at stake because of an ongoing corruption scandal that is closely linked to the war in Ukraine. The New York Times, a leading voice for Liberal America, published a rather unexpected special report, which confirmed the truth of the two-year-old leaks about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and described the serious legal problems he is facing as a result of his business dealings in Ukraine.  It turns out that Hunter has had to borrow heavily to pay his debts to the US tax authorities, from whom he had hidden the dubious proceeds of his activities in Ukraine.

punishment, sacrifice and hypocrisy…...

LONDON, April 21 (Reuters) - Britain ramped up trade sanctions on Russia, targeting luxury goods including caviar, silver and diamonds through import bans and higher tariffs, seeking to punish Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine.

as the price of sausages goes up, pork barreling goes free whisky….

It’s worse than a beetroot stain on your best white T-shirt: the classic Aussie burger is getting more expensive.

The beef pattie, tomato (or barbecue) sauce, bacon, bread and yes, even the beetroot have all risen in price over the last year, adding pressure on the local takeaway joint to pass those extra costs on to you.

Rabobank senior analyst Michael Harvey said there are factors – including worker shortages, and supply chain issues – that mean prices will stay higher for some time.

“Your burger’s going to be a lot more expensive,” he said.


So let’s break that burger down.

of fake news……..


see original at


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW ###########################

the fake green biden.....


In Science, the Magazine of the AAAS, an editorial on the first of April 2022, caught our eyes for being somewhat clumsily bent towards the silly politics of Washington to express a viewpoint on how to solve the “climate crisis”… We have hesitated for a while about trying to explain what the Russian views were on this subject, which is the “military incursion" to de-Nazify and de-militarise Ukraine. Russia has its own problems dealing with global warming, but not as large as that of the USA, while presently something is certain: the world powers are not going to wean themselves from fossil fuels — which are adding an extra dimension to the conflict. 

us and them……..

Liberals once mocked the Bush–Cheney regime’s with-us-or-against-us routines. Now the trans–Atlantic foreign policy cliques have no capacity to see the world differently.


I was interested to read, last December, of the expansive agreements Vladimir Putin and Mahendra Modi signed at the conclusion of a summit the Russian and Indian leaders held in New Delhi. These came to 28 and covered all manner of things — defense cooperation, energy projects, production sharing, technology transfers, investments in a range of industrial sectors India is eager to develop.



fake news, misinformation, disinformation and deliberate media porkies….

The Wilson Center is an apologist for the shenanigans of the US empire. It hides behind an aura of venerable respectability, but, if it is not part of the clever disinformation channels for the CIA, it sure fits the bill nonetheless of cleansing the deliberate mess after the CIA ops and the US administration caca... 


Thus the Wilson Center is mostly involved in checking, countering and destroying annoying information… Its activities are in total contravention to the “freedom of speech” enshrined in the US constitution.


So What is our beef with the Wilson Center today?


pathetic zero morrison...


Thanks to Matt Canavan for drawing our attention to the climate debate (“Nationals reignite Coalition climate war”, April 27). How could we forget Australia’s dismal performance at last year’s COP 26? Our country ranked last out of 193 UN member states for climate action in 2021’s Sustainable Development Report. Now the government is once again under pressure from the Nationals to sideline Australia’s emissions targets. Scott Morrison will need a lot of wallpaper and glue to paper over the cracks in the federal Coalition on climate policy. But first, a large amount of gap-filler will be required. A quick trip to Bunnings may be in order. Anne O’Hara, Wanniassa (ACT)


understanding the donbass, russia and ukraine…...

Since the Russian military operation to de-Nazify and de-militarize Ukraine began in late February, there is a common misperception that the Western left is “split” over the conflict in its response.

Indeed, it is true there has been infighting within organizations such as the U.S.-based Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) between its “International Committee”—whose official statement rightly faulted NATO enlargement for “setting the stage” for Russia’s actions in Ukraine—and local branches of the group which released their own takes distancing themselves from the former.

a dangerous comedian…..

During a Ukraine 24 TV broadcast on 21 April 2022, the governor of Mykolaiv Oblast, Vitaly Kim, close to President Zelensky, stated: “All traitors will be executed; I am not afraid of this word. It will be like that!."

He defined “traitors” as people challenging the policies of President Zelensky.

The regional police have already arrested citizens caught distributing leaflets calling to celebrate Victory Day, marking the end of the Second World War.

The governor has revealed that a secret force was created to eliminate “traitors.”





same difference….

Russia has denied using natural gas exports as a tool to “blackmail”Europe, a claim voiced by the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen. Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the switch to gas trade in rubles stems from the EU's own actions.

“This is not blackmail. Russia has been and remains a reliable supplier, committed to its obligations. The conditions that were outlined in the presidential decree, the need for them was caused by unprecedented hostile steps against us,” Peskov stated, adding that the decision was communicated to natural gas buyers long before it took effect.

We've been robbed of a significant amount of our reserves. And this required a transition to a new system.

russia did the same with respect to the republics of the Donbass……..

Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in the Kremlin on Tuesday for talks revolving around the Ukrainian crisis. The two discussed the situation on the ground, with Putin explaining to the UN chief Russia’s reasons for launching its military operation against the neighboring country in late February.

Moscow’s move to recognize the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk was based on the Kosovo precedent, set up by  a UN-backed court, Putin told Guterres. The republics emerged after people living in Ukraine’s east rejected the Western-backed 2014 Maidan, he explained.

Putin added that the post-coup Kiev government opted for a military solution that led to the eight-year standoff in the Donbass.

too lazy to write his own résumé, scomo gets the ALP to write it for him….

When things go wrong, Scott Morrison refuses to take responsibility, blames others, and can’t admit his mistakes.

Bushfires. The bungled vaccine rollout. Not securing enough rapid tests.

Scott Morrison’s mistakes have held Australians back.

Australia can’t risk three more years of Morrison’s mistakes.

Find out below just why you can’t vote for Scott Morrison, the Liberals or Nationals on 21 May.


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